Taking Pride in Your Work
May 27, 2019
Tips to Avoid Stay at Home Burnout
May 27, 2020Everyone has their own approach to business. If I had to boil mine down to one thing, it would be “Yes, and…”
“Yes, and” is a common tool in improv, where the person in the act acknowledges the situation, and adds to it. You accept the situation, and bring something new to the table.
In the context of my own business, it means saying yes to the opportunities that present themselves, and stepping forward again and again.
Sometimes, this means that my business or mindset needs to shift.
When I was looking for a job around 2008, I met with someone who said they didn’t have a full-time job, but rather a logo they needed. It wasn’t what I was aiming for, but it was a good opportunity – so I said, “Yes, and…” took that step forward. That step led me down a path of freelancing for many clients, until I started my business full time a few year later. It wasn’t always a smooth road but without that first opportunity, I don’t know if I would be running a successful business today.
Sometimes, it means stepping off a cliff and not knowing what’s next, but knowing that yes is the right answer.
I was employed full-time for a while before I decided to branch off on my own. No one knows when the right time is – but for me, it came around the time that 2 projects presented themselves – projects that would keep me afloat for a bit while I built up a larger client base. It was time to say, “Yes, and…” take a leap of faith.
I find that I say yes more than I say no, and each yes takes me closer to the next phase of my business.
What is it time for you to say yes to?